What is Cargo 2020
Cargo 2020: 1st Framework presents an international, inter-generational collaboration inspired by French Artist Dominique Pinchi and his remarkable seven-metre sculpture ‘The Shield of Achilles’ as described in Homers epic poem The Iliad which was exhibited in Venice during the Biennale 2019 at Thetis Culture & Ecology Centre.
The Shield appears in poem during the final stages of the gruesome ten year Trojan War. The symbols of the images on The Shield represent the key elements required for future protection of a balanced harmonious civic society: including dancing groups, farmers, crops, cities at war, at peace, justice, the moon, stars, constellations, sea, justice and many other visual metaphors. The poem was relayed by word of mouth across Europe from the late bronze age to the point where it was written down for the first time in the great library at Alexandria @ 280 BC
What is The Shield of Achilles
In the vast cargo hold of SS Robin Artist Dominique Pinchi Installs his intricate seven-meter sculpture. It is his interpretation of the themes contained within The Sheild of Achilles. Taking two years to build, recently shown in the ancient dockyard Arsenale of Venice by the culture, ecology & engineering group Thetis.
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London- Venice
In London working in the same studio as Dominique, local children guided by Director/Designer are interpreting the themes described by Homer contained within the Shield as they produce their own smaller shields to be exhibited alongside Dominiques.
In Venice children from mixed nationalities are working with Dr. Hesperia Illiaou & MA students from The European Institute of Design to create similar shields which will be presented in Venice on the historic ship Nuovo Trionfo in front of St Mark’s Cathedral.
From January to April children based in Newham and Tower Hamlets schools: Britannia, Royal Wharf and Faraday along with partner schools & heritage vessel in Venice have been focusing on the metaphors and themes expressed in The Shield. They have created their own ‘Shields’, poems, dances and songs in response to their experiences. All the Shields, poems and songs will be brought together and displayed / projected on plinths and screens in the vast cargo hold of SS Robin in May 2020.
Workshops and discussions will take place the SS Robin visitor centre to accompany the exhibit.
We are grateful to the following for their support of this initiative The British Museum, Correr Museum, D’Arzena Heritage centre Venice, Nuovo Trionfo heritage Vessel Venice, Prof. Hesperia Iliadou, Europa Nostra Industrial Heritage Committee, Council of Europe, Trinity Buoy Wharf, London Sea Shanty Choir.
This is a pilot initiative. Hopefully in future we will be able to open more of the vessel & its pontoon.
Britannia Village Primary School Year 6 recorded a version of 'Over The Rainbow' whilst in lockdown for the NHS.
Britannia Village Over The Rainbow — Silvertown primary school releases poignant tribute to NHS
Newham Recorder
Year 6 students at Britannia Village primary school have recorded a poignant cover of Over The Rainbow to honour NHS staff as they battle coronavirus.
Aptly titled Britannia Village Over The Rainbow, the idea came from the headteacher at the Silvertown school, Kiel Richardson, who said: “The video came from an idea we had about sharing something with the NHS.
“I suggested the possibility of a song to a community partnership group, which was then carried forward by David Mann, our chair of trustees and Linda-May Bingham, our executive head who came up with the song choice.”
With plans firmly under way, the next challenge was recording each student from their homes.
Newham Music Academy provided the school with a singing teacher who worked with Year 6 children over two weeks, after which the sessions were recorded by Rob May from Community Albums, a charity which helps those who want to use music and media to develop people.
Book your visit
Details how to book will be announced soon.

SS Robin Trust would like to thank the following :
London: Urban Space Management, Trinity Buoy Wharf, Arts Education Charity 1st Framework, National Theatre, 3rdthought, Boat Transport UK, Creation Logistics , Brittania, Royal Wharf and Faraday Schools, Comast Ground works, The French Institute, The Italian Cultural Institute, British Museum, Museum of London, London Sea Shanty Choir.
Venice: European Institute of Design, A.Topos, Brussa is Boat, Giorgio Suppiej Nuovo Trionfo, Dr Antonietta Grandesso Thetis Culture & Ecology Centre, Neda Furlan Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Correr Museum, Nuovo Trionfo Heritage Vessel St Marks, D’Arzena Maritime Heritage Centre, Dr. Hesperia Iliadou & The Europa Nostra Industrial Heritage Commitee, Council of Europe.